90 min session
Precisely calibrated tuning forks are applied to specific points in specific areas and for specific ailments. Targeting areas like the Endocrine System, the chakras, and the many acupressure points on the body, to balance and restore your meridian and chakra energy systems. Applying a specific frequency/vibration to specific areas is useful in freeing blocked energy and opening meridian channels on the body so it can return to its natural state. This treatment stimulates and balances the body’s physical and subtle energy fields in order to promote healing and inner harmony.
Kundalini Reiki is an energy therapy that harnesses the body’s innate healing capabilities, facilitating and accelerating the natural healing process while reinstating equilibrium on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It serves as a potent tool for alleviating stress and pain. Emotionally and mentally, it proves effective in nurturing and reshaping character traits and habits, resolving emotional turmoil, dismantling limiting beliefs, and resolving relationship discord, including karmic ties between individuals, places, and situations. It instills a sense of tranquility and serenity.
On a spiritual plane, Kundalini Reiki embarks individuals on an introspective journey of self-discovery, elevating consciousness and awakening dormant talents and gifts, leading to profound personal transformation.
The 90-minute healing session encompasses a 15-minute meditation complemented by the use of tuning forks and vocal toning. Additionally, a pendulum is employed for chakra alignment if deemed necessary.
Distant Reiki Membership Plan includes the following options
This Membership Subscription has four 30-minute Distance Reiki Healing Sessions. One Session per week!
This Membership Subscription includes four Distance Reiki Healing Sessions. One Session per week!
1x a month the choice of a Pendulum Board Reading 7 detailed questions. this will be recorded and sent to you
1 question Divinition Spread with the choice of a Crystal Healing Spread, Tarot, Runes, or Tea Leaf Reading,
Distant Reiki Sessions will be held Monday-Friday 1:30-2:00 pm (CST) or 9:30-10:00 pm (CST)
Sundays 6:30-7:00 am or 9:30-10:00 pm (CST)
The difference between Couples reiki and Reiki For Two:
Couples Reiki enhances and supports the romantic, amorous relationships in our lives, such as lovers, life partners, spouses, and so on. On the other hand, Reiki for Two enhances and strengthens any other relationship – parent/child, friends, siblings, extended family members, and, in some cases, even coworkers. A Reiki for Two session is conducted in the same manner as a Couples Reiki session, and my intent is always the same – for deep healing and blessing of the individuals as well as the relationship. In a combined session, it is essential to remember that in any relationship, there are three entities – two individuals, and the relationship itself, which carries a unique energetic frequency and signature. A combined session with both individuals addresses their specific needs as well as the needs of the relationship, as it creates healthy bonds by releasing stagnant, unhealthy energies that may be impeding the relationship’s growth.
By addressing each individual’s healing needs, as well as those of the relationship, the combined session offers a deeper level of healing.
Reiki enhances the body’s natural healing abilities for each individual- and with healing often comes understanding and acceptance. Individuals and couples frequently report a renewed and fresh perspective after a Reiki session.
Reiki allows emotional blockages to rise to the surface, to be acknowledged and released. The peaceful moments following a Reiki session encourage calm and loving discussion, even about difficult emotional issues, which provide further healing for the relationship and the individuals.
Combined Reiki sessions are an excellent way to reconnect and bond on a deep, spiritual level. Sharing the experience with a beloved partner, a family member, or a person of significance can create a new understanding of each other and the relationship itself.
As the Reiki session moves the individuals and their relationship toward balance and wellness, meaningful communication and harmony are enhanced and deepened, providing a foundation for continued healing.
This is a great experience for any family or group-type setting starting with 3-6 people can be accommodated at this special rate.
These Healing Sessions I do are highly frequent, due to all the Energy Healing modalities incorporated into the Hour. It will have you vibing on different frequencies but united with your group, you will feel the amazement of alternative healing, and the “why” so many are drawn to do it
Crystal Tones & Crystal Singing Bowls are made of high-purity quartz which creates a very pleasant aura with their sound and design. Their long-lasting, spherical tone spreads when the singing bowl is gently tapped or rubbed so that the energy can be felt in the entire surroundings.
Other Healing Modalities used in the session are Tuning Forks, Chimes, Vocal Toning, Crystals, Angel Light Healing, and Pendulums.
Private Sound Bath (5-10 people) By Appointment Only.
10 or more people
Whether it is my facility or yours, everyone will benefit from this Fusion Energy Healing Session I provided. I tend to combine many Alternative Energy Healing Frequencies, Besides Reiki Or Karuna Reiki.
Crystal Tones & Singing Bowls are made of high-purity quartz, creating a pleasant aura with their sound and design. Their long-lasting, spherical tone spreads when the singing bowl is gently tapped or rubbed so that the energy can be felt in the entire surroundings.
Other Healing Modalities used in the session are Tuning Forks, Chimes, Vocal Toning, Crystals, Angel Light Healing, and Pendulums.
By Appointment Only
email, call, or text!
for further info <3
preparing the space and myself for a healing session for two