About Reiki and Reiki Workshop Dates 2024
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that uses universal (or source) energy. This energy supports the body's innate healing abilities. Practitioners access this energy, allowing it to flow to the body and facilitate healing. Reiki is a gentle, noninvasive holistic energy healing system that yields powerful results for the body, mind, and spirit. Reiki energy has several basic effects: it brings about deep relaxation, removes energy blockages, detoxifies the system, provides new vitality in the form of healing universal life energy, and increases the vibrational frequency of the body. Reiki puts the client into a very relaxed and meditative state. This allows the body's energy to move freely. Reiki provides many of the same benefits as traditional massage therapy, such as reducing stress, stimulating the immune system, increasing energy, and relieving the pain and symptoms of health conditions.
What does Reiki Heal?
Reiki works on aspects of the body including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Reiki is considered to be both Complementary and Integrative Health Care as it works as a complement to any therapy. As well as working in conjunction with modern medicine.
The most common indications for using Reiki are:
Reliving stress
Reducing pain
Promoting relaxation
Speeding recovery from injuries
Reducing anxiety
Easing systems of disease
Strengthening the immune system
Deepening spiritual connection and inner peace
Improving sleep
Reducing effects of trauma-related anxiety
Supporting the recovery process from surgery
Providing comfort during the dying process
When attending any or All Reiki Certification workshops here at House of Skye-Yoga they are all condoned in an in-person class setting. The class material comes from the Manuals developed by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). All classes offer a teaching style that combines education, demonstration, and practice sessions so you can feel confident as you develop your Reiki practice for yourself and others.
Dates and Links For Reiki Workshops 2024
Reiki Level 1
In this course, you will gain a thorough understanding of the system of Reiki from a Traditional Japanese and Western perspective, and learn how to give yourself and others a complete Reiki treatment. All Reiki Certification Classes are provided in an in-person class setting. The class material comes from the Manuals developed by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). All classes offer a teaching style that combines education, demonstration, and practice sessions so you can feel confident as you develop your Reiki Practice for yourself and others. In this class, you’ll learn and practice Japanese techniques that can be used daily to ensure a clearer and stronger Reiki channel. These techniques have been missing from Western Reiki for more than 50 years. Usui placed a much greater focus on healing the SELF than is generally done in Western Reiki. You will be taught self-healing meditations based on that used by Usui with his students - an extremely relaxing process.
Reiki Shoden Level I training includes the following:
Study the five elements of Reiki
Return to the traditional Roots of Reiki
The original meaning of Reiki
An in-depth look at the five precepts
Learn the traditional use of symbols and mantras
Develop inner spiritual growth and enlightenment
Learn the Japanese energetic system (three diamonds)
How to perform a reiki
Self-healing hand positions
Hand positions for healing others
Receive Japanese reiju (attunement)
Historical account of Mikao Usui
Traditional Japanese Shoden Techniques
The traditional Japanese Shoden techniques taught include:
Kenyoku ho (dry bathing)
Seishin Toitsu (creating a unified mind)
Joshin kokyu ho (focusing the mind on one thing with breath)
Shuchu Reiki (concentrated spiritual energy, or group healing)
Gassho (creates unity within the body)
Western Reiki Training
·Chakra energy system
Western Techniques
This class is for everyone
Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a sack lunch and a bottle of water. Bring a pencil and notepad to take notes.
Shoden Level I class is a one–day intensive.
COSTS: the usual cost of a Shoden Level I Class STARTS AT $150 to $350.
Reiki Level 2
This course takes you up another level literally, you will gain a thorough understanding of level 2 techniques from a Traditional Japanese and Western Reiki perspective. At this level, you'll discover your hidden inner qualities such as your Earth, Heaven, and Heart energy. Learn level 2 symbols their meanings and how to use them. All Reiki Certification Classes are provided in an in-person class setting. The class material comes from the Manuals developed by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). All classes offer a teaching style that combines education, demonstration, and practice sessions so you can feel confident as you develop your Reiki Practice for yourself and others.
Traditional Japanese Techniques and Training
Hotsurei Ho- Methods for generating greater amounts of spiritual energy
Kenyoku Ho
Joshin Kokyu Ho
Seishin Toitsu
Seiza (Japanese: to sit still)
ENKAKU CHIRYO HO (Remote Healing)
BYOSEN REIKAN HO (Sensing Imbalances)
REIJI HO (A method of being guided by spirit)
Gyoshi Ho (send Reiki with Eyes)
Koki Ho (Send Reiki with Breath)
Tanden Chiryo Ho (Detox and purifying method)
Heso Chiryo Ho (Heal at the Navel)
Symbols (Learn the original use and meaning of symbols)
Symbol 1 Focus
Symbol 2 Harmony
Symbol 3 Connection
Western meaning of symbols and use
Symbol 1 The Power symbol
Symbol 2 The emotional/mental symbol
Symbol 3 Distant healing symbol
Western Reiki Level 2 Techniques
Distance Healing (send Reiki to another person)
Healing the Past and the Future (send Reiki to yourself to heal your past, present, and future)
Group Distance Healing
Heal bad habits and addictions (for yourself or others)
· Empower affirmations and goals
.Practice seeing Aura
Preparation: Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a sack lunch and a bottle of water. Bring a pencil and notepad to take notes.
Duration: Each Reiki ll class usually lasts around 6 hours, but this can vary.
Costs: The usual cost of a Reiki ll Class is around $175 to $350.
Reiki Level 1-2 this is a 2-Day Workshop
Get the best of both worlds by receiving Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 Certifications over one weekend.
REIKI 1: In Reiki 1, you will get attuned to Reiki which enables you to become a channel for this healing energy. Once attuned you will be able to give Reiki to yourself and anyone else for the rest of your life.
REIKI 2: Reiki 2 Certification teaches you to perform Distant or Absentee Reiki. This means that you are able to send Reiki to yourself and others through space and time, anywhere, whenever you choose to. This level is considered the practitioner level of Reiki, allowing you to start charging for your Reiki services.
Reiki, the Japanese method of healing and relaxation, has been present in its current form for many years. Yet, energy healing modalities are not limited to Reiki. There is, in fact, no limit to the possibilities of accessing Reiki energy as a healing modality. Receiving a Reiki attunement is wonderful, but it’s just the beginning. Once the energy door is opened, it’s important to connect with like-minded people. We’re not alone, yet sometimes our awakening makes us feel separate, different, and maybe a little strange. In order to make Reiki easier to teach and use, our early Reiki teachers developed a system of hand positions that offered good results. However, Usui initially intended for Reiki hand placements to be intuitive and encouraged the use of Byosen scanning as well as other intuitive techniques. We focus on combining the Reiki experiences of Reiki 1 - 2 together into a full weekend class.
Combining together the energy concepts of Reiki fundamentals with exercises that promote confidence and competence. You’ll receive more than one Attunement. You’ll have training on how to use Reiki immediately and integrate Reiki into daily practice.
Reiki is a lifestyle. I will show you how it’s done, effortlessly. You’re ready for it. The world needs you. Step into your power as an intuitive healer.
Costs: the usual costs for reiki level 1-2 class is around $450-$600
Reiki Master Level 3 (art)
In many courses, the Third Degree and Reiki Master are the same designations. However many teachers separate Level 3 from Reiki Master, in order to emphasize the difference between receiving the Master Attunement, from being trained in attuning new students or practitioners. The Reiki Master Level is traditionally considered the teacher's level — a practitioner who has received the energy and knowledge to attune new Reiki practitioners. Many receive the Master Attunement, along with the corresponding symbol, yet don't feel comfortable or practiced in properly attuning others — hence the distinction between Third Degree and Reiki Master. Becoming a Reiki Master also represents a deep commitment to the Reiki practice, and some feel that significant time should pass between achieving the Second Degree status and Master Level. Because the Master Level is taught in a wide range of methods, you should meditate on which path feels right for you and spend time and consideration in selecting a Master. The Reiki Levels provide a general organization of the progression of Reiki mastership. Because Reiki courses are taught and organized in a wide variety of methods, it's important to research and find both the format and instructor that is right for you. Level 3 focuses on personal development and teaches the student the Master Symbol and how to use it. At this level, you move into discovering more about the mysteries of life. How you relate to yourself and the universe. This can be practiced for the rest of your life and is always a personal practice that can develop into a professional teaching practice if you so desire. Once level all is completed, all aspects of the system of Reiki become an integral part of the student’s life. Some say that this is where life and the system of Reiki merge, with students unable to tell the difference between the two. Instead of thinking of Reiki as a lifetime practice we now know that life is our Reiki practice. Students who wish to teach the system of Reiki will have to take the Reiki Master Level Workshop, most importantly you need to remember to further your own personal practice before beginning to teach.
This class is a one-day class and The manual covers:
The Usui Master symbol, and how to use it to give Reiki treatments.
Instructions for doing a Reiki meditation that strengthens the mind expands consciousness and increases the strength of one's Reiki energy. This meditation can also be used to solve problems and achieve goals.
How to use crystals and stones to send distant Reiki continuously and automatically.
How to create a Reiki grid that can continuously send healing to many people, events, and goals.
Reiki Aura Clearing which has also been called Reiki Psychic Surgery is described that allowing you to quickly remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it up to be healed.
A Reiki Moving Meditation is explained that helps one become more grounded, centered, and energized.
Prerequisites: You must already have Reiki level 1 -2 us or a recognized Reiki teacher. *ONLINE CERTIFICATION DOES NOT QUALIFY.
Preparation: Wear comfortable clothing. Bring a sack lunch and a bottle of water. Bring a pencil and notepad to take notes.
Costs: the usual costs for reiki level 3 (art) typically charge around $550 to $1200 (or more!)
Master Teacher Practitioner this is a 2-day workshop
This class is a powerful healing experience. It will allow students to straighten their practice, pass the ability to perform Reiki on to others, and teach it if they choose. This class is taught in a 2- day Intensive.
MASTER LEVEL TRAINING: The Reiki Master Level is traditionally considered the Teacher's level; a practitioner who has received the energy and knowledge to attune new practitioners. However, you can still take this class even If you are not ready to teach yet and just want to deepen your practice.
Becoming a Reiki Master represents a deep commitment to this healing work, therefore to qualify to take this class a student must have taken Reiki 1- 2, practiced Second Degree for at least 6 months, and is able to draw the 3 symbols of Reiki 2 from memory.
Prior classes must have been taken in person with a Reiki Master Teacher. Online and distant Reiki training is not accepted for qualification.
The following information, techniques, etc. will be covered during this class:
The Usui Master Teacher Attunement.
The values and spiritual orientation of a Reiki Master.
The Usui Master symbol.
Two Tibetan symbols are given for a total of six.
Instruction on how to give Reiki 1 & 2 Attunements.
Instruction on how to give Reiki Master Attunements.
Practice giving Attunements.
Receiving your Reiki Master Attunement.
Using Master symbols during Reiki treatments.
Chakra Balancing techniques, smudging, using a pendulum.
Advanced Reiki techniques.
Teaching a class: preparation, class materials, class flow tips.
Addressing questions and challenges.
Reiki Master Teacher Manual, Printed Materials.
Reiki Art (3) and Master Teacher Practioner - 3-day workshop
Karuna Reiki®
The Meaning of Karuna
Karuna is a Sanskrit word that could be translated as "compassionate action." When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by prajna or wisdom in order to have the right effect. Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well. Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.
The Karuna Reiki® Class
This class is for anyone who has had Reiki Master training. It is complete with four master symbols and eight treatment symbols.
A brief description of the four Karuna® I symbols is given here: The first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is used with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level. The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to break up the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self. The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance. The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding them. The Karuna II symbols are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use. Both levels of Karuna Reik®i will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all twelve symbols. You will be able to teach all levels of Karuna Reiki® after taking this class. Lots of practice time is included for giving treatments, using the symbols, and for learning the attunement processes. We will also be doing a Reiki meditation to be aware of and heal the Shadow Self and using chanting and toning with Karuna Reiki®.
A certificate and a manual are included with in-depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process.
You will also be offered the opportunity to become a "Registered Karuna Reiki® Master" with The International Center for Reiki Training (free). You will then be able to use their manuals and your student certificates will come from their Center. If you would like more information on becoming this process, please contact us at House of Skye-Yoga
Prerequisite: Reiki Master Teacher
Duration: 3 Days
This program offers a more advanced Reiki system and is an expression of the evolving nature of Reiki. This course will provide you with the knowledge and practice to apply Reiki and Karuna Reiki energies to work at a deeper level, with additional symbols and specific expanded intentions and techniques.
Provided within the course are two levels that include two attunements, four master symbols, and eight therapy symbols. The Karuna Reiki symbols applied on the emotional and spiritual levels allow a deeper harmony and balance within. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the helping presence of other enlightened beings A brief description of the four Karuna Reiki 1 symbols is given here:
•The first symbol prepares the client by facilitating the removal of deep negative energies and is helpful with past life issues or inherited conditions, to benefit from this blessed opportunity to overcome karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level.
•The second symbol clears deeply and can be used to break up the negative patterns individuals consciously or unconsciously use to insulate themselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It harmonizes the shadow self.
•The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance.
•The fourth symbol completes the session by bringing the client back into the body and grounding the client. The Karuna Reiki 2 symbols are of a higher vibration and are more precise. They facilitate connecting directly with the higher self and work at a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.
The course curriculum includes:
•Review of Usui's technique using the Three Pillars of Reiki
•Review of Japanese Reiki Techniques
•A guided meditation using breathing techniques
•4 symbols (level one), 4 symbols (level two), and 4 master symbols inclusive of a description of various uses and discussions
•2 Karuna Reiki Master attunements
•A guided meditation for removing energies that block individual progress utilizing Karuna Reiki symbols
•A guided meditation to heighten awareness about the Shadow Self
•Instruction and practice in giving and receiving Karuna Reiki techniques using all the symbols and their many applications
•Demonstration and practice of Byosen Scanning using Karuna Reiki symbols
•A demonstration and practice on how to utilize Karuna Reiki symbols for bio-energy balancing
•Demonstration and practice in giving attunements for Karuna Reiki Practitioners and Master levels
•Information on how to teach Karuna Reiki as a 4-level program
•Chanting and toning with Karuna Reiki
•A class manual with in-depth descriptions of each of the 12 symbols and 4 attunement processes
Distant Healing Information and Links To Book Your Session
HON SHA ZE SHO NEN ( hon sa se so nen) Reiki Symbol That Is Used To Perform Distant Healing Sessions.
What is Distant Reiki Healing?
Distance Reiki Healing
Distance Reiki treatments are just as effective as in-person treatments, allowing patients to receive healing from afar. I perform distance Reiki healing for patients who are unable to come for in-person sessions. When practicing Reiki on someone who is not physically present, this symbol is used to connect to his or her energy. Invoking the distant Reiki symbol used by a Reiki practitioner is the key to beginning this process as this symbol allows the practitioner to send healing Reiki energy across time and space.
This symbol can also be used in person to help clear blockages from the past, or across large parts of the body. Similarly, it can be used to cleanse neighborhoods or geographic places.
Distance Reiki works according to the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds says that we are all connected. We are all one; we are all of energy-matter and a part of a larger whole. This law applies as it allows the practitioner to link himself to the energy field of the recipient.
Below are links to book your Distant Healing Sessions
For Further Inquiries Call Text or Email Adelaide at 504-439-7499
Distance Reiki can be sent anywhere in the world. You do not need to be present. This type of treatment is useful for clients in the hospital, hospice, or live far away from the practitioner. These sessions can be done either by phone (with or without camera), or coordinating the time so you can get comfortable in your own settings and begin when you are ready. Included in this session is a combination of a Reiki Distance Crystal Healing Grid, with Toning Bowls, Bells and, the usage of Solfeggio Tuning Forks. Reiki can transcend time and space, and may be sent to anywhere in the World.
A few words by Adelaide......
Hello, my name is Adelaide.
My journey on education with Dance began at the young age of 5.
Lessons were never skipped and continued to evolve into different genres, the older and better I got.
I was a devotee of Dance studies until I became an adult until this day, and a dance instructor by the time I was in High school. In my early twenties, I first began with a Personal Training practice in Athens, Greece. Being fortunate enough to have a steady flow of upscale clientele encouraged me to continue my studies in the fitness industry. As of today, I can say that personally, I will be a student until my last breath. Taking all types of fitness courses to keep my self, my students, and my private clients coming back for more.
As I learn, You will learn.
Completing and becoming a multi-certified and equipped person in the fitness industry continued to perfect my acute teaching skills, accumulating a following for both on land and in the Aquatics field. This allowed me to Gathe over 20 years of experience and realizing that this has been just a stepping stone that has prepared me for the next chapter in my life. I was this someone who worked with and on people's bodies. Working physically towards perfecting, correcting all that was imbalanced, weak, and in need of something, to finally realizing that this was just the start of it all.
And then yet another significant blow that struck my life by my family hit, which then forced me to open the doors to what seemed to be another Route on the same path. The path of self -healing, both physically and emotionally. During my life, I always maintained my physical form being as fit as one can be. I went from constant motion and movement to a sudden stillness. I found a specific type of silence that created a unique kind of bliss. This was my personal experience the day my journey began as a Reiki Healer. I completed Usui Reiki levels 1 & 2; Referring to this as "the light of my life." Knowing Deep down, this was always meant for me, and I was on the right path. Shortly after, I completed my studies in becoming a Reiki Master Practioner and Continuing to Karuna Reiki Master Practitioner. With each new course, I knew I had to keep going because with each level completed; I felt more and more empowered with my healing abilities, increasing my frequencies and the ability to channel the purest form of light for healing. My studies did not stop there because, along with Reiki, I also incorporated Angel Light Worker/Healing, Deeksha Blessing from the oneness university in India, Tachyon Energy Therapy, Orb of life transference, Ethereal Healing, Tuning Forks vibrations, not to mention Crystal Healing Therapy. Which I often use to compliment my healing therapy sessions. Recently, I have just begun my studies in Lemurian healing and psychic enhancement.
I look forward to meeting and working with you all
love and light