Rose 🌹 Quartz Earrings


Rose 🌹 Quartz Earrings


Rose 🌹 quartz Crystal Amoeba 🦠 Earrings #AmoebaEarrings

Rose Quartz is associated with love in all of its forms, although from my personal experience in working with this stone I will always say that this stone is MORE ABOUT SELF LOVE, and loving thyself also learning to be a bit more compassionate with thyself. It’s not a coincidence that many individuals are attracted to this stone placing it in any environment will smooth out the edges “” sort of speak! Rose Quartz vibrates with the energies of the heart chakra as it encourages feelings of warmth, happiness, compassion, understanding, respect, and emotional health for thyself and everyone around. Rose Quartz can also promote for the wearer encouragement, for one to be far more open to both giving and receiving love from others once you master the skill YOURSELF FOR ACCEPTING AND LOVING THYSELF. this crystal should be IN a place AT every home. #RoseQuartzearrings 

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