Emerald Pearl and Serpentine Ring
Emerald Pearl and Serpentine Ring
Emerald is known as a stone of successful love. It is used to provide domestic bliss and to instill both sensitivity and loyalty within self in within others. The reason why I added pearls next to this lovely emerald stone was because it signifies faith, charity, and innocence, enhancing personal integrity, and helps to provide a focus to one’s attention.
it symbolizes purity and pearls are known to be the stone of sincerity bringing truth to situations and loyalty to cause.
emeralds help to combine intelligence with discernment allowing for the right choice of action to be the only choice available.
The Emerald stone also has been used to open, activate, and to stimulate the heart chakra while helping to quiet the emotions. It is a stone to bring harmony to all areas of one’s life. I love the stone during meditation because it helps to maintain the rhythmic breathing conducive to entering and to attaining depth and the meditative state.
if you’re a healer this emerald ring can be used in the treatment of disorders of the spine, lungs, hard, and muscular system. Also used to soothe the eyes.